The Importance and Beauty of Preservation/Curation

The gay museum or Berlin’s Schwules Museum is a site that holds valuable history and a place that resonates deeply with me. Their archives alone include an extensive history of Berlin’s gay scene, whether that be the queer spaces, the backlash and oppression that gay people faced, and also the porn they had/collected! The museum rarely turns away artifacts, unless they do not relate to queerness, and it would take years to go through every single one. Above the archives there are interactive exhibits that put the spotlight on all aspects of the LGBTQIA+ community, this month showcased the life of sex workers. What makes these exhibits so real and immersive is who curates them. For the exhibit With Legs Wide Open the entire exhibit is curated solely by sex workers, they are the ones writing the descriptions and bringing in the artifacts that span over decades of sex work. This exhibit aims to show the public that sex work is not something to be looked down upon, that it is essential, a mode of survival for some, and it has been for centuries.

One piece in the exhibit shows an entire map of Berlin with specific pinpoints of important sex work history and places of residence. One site pinpointing Hedwig-Porschütz-Strasse has the description “Named after a sex worker who hid Jews during the Nazi period”. Another pinpoint at Nikolaikirche has the description “Buring of an alleged witch in 1552”. There are about 30 other points on this map, showing how Berlin for centuries has always had a sex worker presence.

Another important piece of the exhibit was how witchcraft has been associated with queer people, specifically derogatory terms such as “faggot” (bundles of sticks used for burning heretics/witches) or the word “faery” being used to describe queer people. This exhibit is just a small piece of history, the gay scene has been prominent in Berlin for ages and this is the perfect site to house all of this. While the museum has only been here since 1985, the history and potential stored in its archives are massive. This is not just a site that focuses on the bad or the oppression, it truly showcases the beauty and power the LGBTQ community has and will continue to have. 

– Jack LeClerc

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